Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Snowy Life

Snow makes me happy. It's a necessity for me. It's part of why I like it here in Michigan, in the snow belt where we know all about "lake effect snow." I ran the snowblower after work yesterday but you wouldn't know it this morning. My paths are hidden under a few more inches of snow.

I like how the snow looks like it's snaking around the items left on my back porch.

My garden looks cozy under a blanket of snow (below).

I try to keep the birds fed.
Yesterday I saw 4 cardinals in this tree but they are shy this morning.


Amanda said...

So beautiful. Sometimes that makes me want to live where it snows...then I visit snow for a couple days and I think, "no thanks!" Couldn't handle all the shoveling,

Sher said...

I saw 3 cardinals in my snow covered branches this morning. I had to think a second whose blog I read - realizing it was you who experienced the same thing. A live postcard!
