Friday, December 28, 2007
Mitten Exchange
I just spotted a posting on the blog of a woman in The Netherlands. Her name is Irma and I made mittens for her as part of a mitten exchange on Ravelry. I guess they were a hit! I also received some mittens in that exchange and, as soon as I find my camera, I'll post some pics.
A Family For Christmas
I'm in Canada right now celebrating with my family. I got many amazing gifts for Christmas The most precious gift was a slideshow of pictures from Jacob's adoption which is now finalized. He was all dressed in a suit in court. So wonderful!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Remember Film?

I know that digital cameras make blogging much easier, however I still prefer the pictures taken by my SLR camera with film. Maybe if I had a better digital camera I would change my tune. Here are some pictures from my October trip to Kansas and the Halloween fun my nieces had there. I finally got them developed today.

Monday, December 17, 2007
Handspun and DNA
Oh, man! In my mailbox today I found an unexpected gift of yarn. A friend from Pennsylvania sent two marvelous skeins of handspun wool made by a friend of hers. I had no idea she was sending me yarn, and handspun wool at that! I don't know what I'll make with it but I know it will be something that I'll keep for myself.
In other knitting news, I just finished a Baby's First DNA rattle for a scientist friend who is having a baby. I wish I could be there to see her face when she opens it, but unfortunately I had to send it with someone else who is actually able to go to the baby shower in Kansas.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Secret Family Recipe
I am going to share our family's secret carmel corn recipe with you and only you.
Grandma Shantz's Carmel Corn
28 cups popped corn
2 cups brown sugar
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
cooking spray
Spray roasting pan with cooking spray. Pour popped corn into pan. In heavy saucepan on the stove, bring sugar, butter, and corn syrup to a boil. Boil 4 minutes and remove from stove. Add salt, soda and vanilla. This will foam when soda is added. Pour over popped corn, stirring carefully. Bake at 250 degrees for one hour. Stir carefully every 10 minutes. You won't believe how yummy it is!
I'm hoping to have time to make a big batch or 2 next week for our family Christmas.
I am going to share our family's secret carmel corn recipe with you and only you.
Grandma Shantz's Carmel Corn
28 cups popped corn
2 cups brown sugar
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
cooking spray
Spray roasting pan with cooking spray. Pour popped corn into pan. In heavy saucepan on the stove, bring sugar, butter, and corn syrup to a boil. Boil 4 minutes and remove from stove. Add salt, soda and vanilla. This will foam when soda is added. Pour over popped corn, stirring carefully. Bake at 250 degrees for one hour. Stir carefully every 10 minutes. You won't believe how yummy it is!
I'm hoping to have time to make a big batch or 2 next week for our family Christmas.
Yarn Turned Into Animals
Taste of Summer
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Shameless Plug
If I could, I would be on a commercial for Zicam. After getting home from my week with the sick baby, I felt a horrible cold coming on starting with a sore throat. I immediately started taking Zicam every 3 - 4 hours and within about 2 days I was feeling much better and the cold seemed to have been scared away. Zicam is basically zinc and it comes in pill, nasal spray and nasal swab form. I don't know about you, but I don't have time to be sick so I take Zicam and IT WORKS!! No kidding!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Yes, I've Still Got the Baby
3 Kittens and a Yarn Garage

Another great day in Minnesota! 2 friends went with me today to check out 2 yarn shops in the Twin Cities. First stop was 3 Kittens Needles Arts where I bought some patterns and yarn I didn't know I needed.
Guess I'd better get busy since some of the projects are intended for Christmas presents.
After yarn we were hungry and ate at a fabulous Italian restaurant called Buon Giorno Italia where you can choose your ingredients and they toss 'em up for you. I, of course, chose pesto...because it's the besto. From there were were ready to tackle the Yarn Garage.
Here we are in a picture taken by the owner as we were in shock from all the yarn:
A Special Treat
The baby went to visit his friends at day care yesterday morning and I ran over to the local bakery for the best donut holes in the world and a cup of Chocolate Macadamia Nut coffee. YUMMM! Weve really miss Braschler's Bakery since we moved away. They've changed names but they will always be Braschler's to us. I ate my donuts and watched the Ellen Degeneres show. That's my idea of a great morning.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Trains, Music Videos, and Friends in Pajamas
I spent Thanksgiving Day travelling by train from Chicago to Minnesota where I am taking care of a 10 month old baby. I arrived about 9pm and planned to walk the 2 blocks to their apartment but was instead greeted unexpectedly by a knitter friend. You know who you are, and THANKS! As we were getting in the car, the friend I am babysitting for came running down the street with her daughter, both wearing their slippers and pajamas! What a great surprise welcome back to Minnesota.
The baby and I are getting along well on this, our first day alone. We'll be hanging out all of next week while his mom and sister are out of town. They tried to fill me in on what he likes, including the online video by Timbaland called "Apologize." Okay, so it's not a kid-friendly video but he just likes to dance to it and it's familiar while I am not. Here he is gettin' down:
The baby and I are getting along well on this, our first day alone. We'll be hanging out all of next week while his mom and sister are out of town. They tried to fill me in on what he likes, including the online video by Timbaland called "Apologize." Okay, so it's not a kid-friendly video but he just likes to dance to it and it's familiar while I am not. Here he is gettin' down:
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Dressy Veggies
Have you heard of the 100-mile diet?
From the website When the average North American sits down to eat, each ingredient has typically travelled at least 1,500 miles—call it "the SUV diet." On the first day of spring, 2005, Alisa Smith and James MacKinnon chose to confront this unsettling statistic with a simple experiment. For one year, they would buy or gather their food and drink from within 100 miles of their apartment in Vancouver, British Columbia.
While I think it is an awesome goal, I am not close to being there yet. I admit that I love the luxury of buying avocados, lemons, limes and so many other foods year 'round. I am, however, making an effort to buy local, seasonal produce which also means that I am learning how to cook things I've never cooked much before. I picked up a butternut squash at Ridgeway Market in Bangor, MI the other day and cooked it up for my folks last night:
Candied Butternut Squash with Cinnamon and Honey
1 large butternut squash, quartered lengthwise
3 - 4 TBSP melted butter
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup finely chopped pecans
scant 1/4 tsp cinnamon
Scoop seeds out of squash. Arrange pieces, cut side down, in large baking dish. Pour hot water in the baking dish to a depth of 1/4 inch. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes, or until tender. Cool and peel. Cut into 1/2 inch slices and place in 9 X 13 pan. Mix butter, honey, pecans and cinnamon and pour over squash. Bake 15 - 25 minutes, until glazed and hot.
From the website When the average North American sits down to eat, each ingredient has typically travelled at least 1,500 miles—call it "the SUV diet." On the first day of spring, 2005, Alisa Smith and James MacKinnon chose to confront this unsettling statistic with a simple experiment. For one year, they would buy or gather their food and drink from within 100 miles of their apartment in Vancouver, British Columbia.
While I think it is an awesome goal, I am not close to being there yet. I admit that I love the luxury of buying avocados, lemons, limes and so many other foods year 'round. I am, however, making an effort to buy local, seasonal produce which also means that I am learning how to cook things I've never cooked much before. I picked up a butternut squash at Ridgeway Market in Bangor, MI the other day and cooked it up for my folks last night:
Candied Butternut Squash with Cinnamon and Honey
1 large butternut squash, quartered lengthwise
3 - 4 TBSP melted butter
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup finely chopped pecans
scant 1/4 tsp cinnamon
Scoop seeds out of squash. Arrange pieces, cut side down, in large baking dish. Pour hot water in the baking dish to a depth of 1/4 inch. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes, or until tender. Cool and peel. Cut into 1/2 inch slices and place in 9 X 13 pan. Mix butter, honey, pecans and cinnamon and pour over squash. Bake 15 - 25 minutes, until glazed and hot.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
It All Depends On What You Call It
They informed me ahead of time of the ingredients of a true slumber party: chocolate cake with pink frosting and "Slumber Party" written on top; movies; staying up late; a pillow fight; fingernail polish.
I added a few surprises of my own, including gaudy, plastic clip-on earrings for everyone and a pile of books from the local library.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Room for Growth
We had a huge tree taken down yesterday. It was very tall and on really windy days it seemed precarious above the power lines. With other trees around I didn't think it would reveal enough sunny ground for garden next year, but now I'm beginning to wonder. I would love to plant a veggie garden in the spring and maybe now I can.
Friday, November 2, 2007
A Fall Snack
Do you have any pumpkins left? My favorite fall treat is roasted pumpkin seeds.
Pumpkin Seeds
Wash seeds and boil in water for 10 minutes. Drain well. For each cup of seeds, add 1 TBSP melted butter and 1 tsp worcestershire sauce. Pour onto cookie sheet (preferably one with a rim). Sprinkle with salt. Bake 30 - 45 minutes, or until crispy. Stir every 10 minutes.
Pumpkin Seeds
Wash seeds and boil in water for 10 minutes. Drain well. For each cup of seeds, add 1 TBSP melted butter and 1 tsp worcestershire sauce. Pour onto cookie sheet (preferably one with a rim). Sprinkle with salt. Bake 30 - 45 minutes, or until crispy. Stir every 10 minutes.
Love and Loss on the Prairie
The scarecrow sighed. "Of course I cannot understand it," he said. "If your heads were stuffed with straw like mine you would probably all live in beautiful places, and then Kansas would have no people at all. It is fortunate for Kansas that you have brains."
- L. Frank Baum
- L. Frank Baum
I just got home from my Kansas vacation. Have you noticed that people don't usually vacation in Kansas? They drive through it or around it, or they've heard of it but haven't spent any time there. I won't bother to explain the beauty there. You have to experience the sky, the open spaces, the people, for yourself. I just returned from my trip to Newton, KS where I saw many old friends and met some new ones. It was simply wonderful to be around people I've known for so long. I let my friend Christy take care of me while I was there. What a gift!
We had a Happy Adoption Party on Saturday for the little boy I used to have in foster care. He will turn 11 years old in January. His new mom is amazing! She has high expectations for him and he is rising to meet them. He can walk, albeit unsteady, while holding onto one of her hands. His therapist says he may be able to walk unassisted within 6 months. Unbelievable!! I wish I could post a photo, but since the adoption isn't finalized I will have to wait.
While we were there a very dear friend, Larry Voth, died. He's been very sick for almost 7 years and was really suffering, so I'm grateful his suffering is over. What an honor to be included as part of the family for his last hours and in the planning of the memorial service. Larry was the pastor at Community Mennonite Church in Markham, IL when I was a child and their family has remained an important part of our lives. They moved to KS in 1973 and he became the Director of Development at Bethel College and successfully recruited me to attend college there, which shaped the course of my life.
Now I'm home in Michigan again and will be going to Cadillac, MI for a training next week. Life goes on.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Here is Shelly the turtle. The pattern is actually called "Sheldon The Turtle" and can be found for free at the Knitty website.
I am getting ready for a trip to Kansas next weekend. I am so excited to go and hang out with my Kansas friends!!! I'm expecting a bit of an emotional weekend because I'll get to see the little boy I had in foster care for 2 1/2 years and meet the woman who is adopting him. I am so happy they found each other and I can't wait to finally meet her. We're planning a party to celebrate!!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Funny Lookin' Kid
I am knitting some odd things for my nieces for Christmas. Since I don't imagine anyone in their house is checking my blog, I can safely post pictures here and they'll never see them. I just finished a funny little doll with skinny legs and arms.

I'm calling her Risa, which means laughter in Spanish. The pattern is from Knitted Babes: Five Dolls and Their Wardrobes to Knit and Stitch by Clare Garland.
And check out this knitted donut!

We always used to go to Braschler's Bakery on Saturday mornings. The kids usually wanted donuts with sprinkles so that's what they're getting. I probably need to make a chocolate one too. The donut pattern is free at :
I'm calling her Risa, which means laughter in Spanish. The pattern is from Knitted Babes: Five Dolls and Their Wardrobes to Knit and Stitch by Clare Garland.
And check out this knitted donut!
We always used to go to Braschler's Bakery on Saturday mornings. The kids usually wanted donuts with sprinkles so that's what they're getting. I probably need to make a chocolate one too. The donut pattern is free at :
Monday, October 8, 2007
For each new morning with its light,
for rest and shelter of the night,
for health and food,
for love and friends,
for everything thy goodness sends,
YEAH, God!
That is the grace we always say when my nieces are here. We experienced all of those things this Thanksgiving weekend. Our final tradition each year is to take a group photo. Each year the photo includes a different collection of people, and this is the group in 2007.
for rest and shelter of the night,
for health and food,
for love and friends,
for everything thy goodness sends,
YEAH, God!
That is the grace we always say when my nieces are here. We experienced all of those things this Thanksgiving weekend. Our final tradition each year is to take a group photo. Each year the photo includes a different collection of people, and this is the group in 2007.
Bizarre Thanksgiving Traditions
Many people eat cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving. My sister-in-law prefers the canned variety, which we refer to as "canberry sauce." It's pretty cool when it retains the shape of a can: 
My Aunt Gladys likes to eat the turkey liver and my mom loves the turkey neck. I usually prefer to turn the other way, but fiurst I had to take a picture:
My Aunt Gladys likes to eat the turkey liver and my mom loves the turkey neck. I usually prefer to turn the other way, but fiurst I had to take a picture:
Secret Mittens
Okay, so I am part of a mitten exchange on I was going to keep the details of the project a secret, but someone is very curious so I'll at least show a picture of the yarn I expect to use. Keep in mind that since I haven't actually started knitting the mittens yet, my yarn choice could change. Here is Bunny Paint:
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Operation Happy Note
Okay, so even if you don't support the war in Iraq, you might consider this opportunity. Operation Happy Note is "a volunteer effort to send musical instruments to our deployed service men and women throughout the world." If you have an unused instrument that you would like to donate, go to: I don't agree with the war, but this opportunity intrigued me. I wish I had an instrument to donate.
Fleas, Frogs and Thanksgiving
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! There are 10 of us here celebrating this weekend. One tradition we have is to go to the local Flea Market and search out bargains. Some treasures people found this year included: a computer keyboard, some plastic figures from Bambi, some maroon dress shoes, some tie-downs for a boat, an Easy Bake Oven, some little Teletubbies, a pair of scissors, a bike and bike helmet. Here are some of my relatives with their purchases:

Cheyanne with her little owl, skunk, rabbit and deer.

Uncle Bob and Suzanne with movies, a magnifying glass, a hat, a pie pan and other bargains.

Carmina with her nearly-new bike and helmet.
We also figured out what the mystery sound was around here. Some thought it was a raccoon, while others suggested a bird of some sort. Turns out it was a gray tree frog:
Cheyanne with her little owl, skunk, rabbit and deer.
Uncle Bob and Suzanne with movies, a magnifying glass, a hat, a pie pan and other bargains.
Carmina with her nearly-new bike and helmet.
We also figured out what the mystery sound was around here. Some thought it was a raccoon, while others suggested a bird of some sort. Turns out it was a gray tree frog:

Thursday, October 4, 2007
To the Prairie, the Forest and the Bluffs
Wow! Since I last blogged I have made plans to drive to Kansas at the end of the month to see my wonderfully awesome friends, the little boy I used to have in foster care and to meet the woman who is adopting him. AMAZING!!
I have also agreed to take care of my godson in Minnesota for a week while his mom and sister go on a trip. He will be 10 months old by then so we'll surely have a blast!
This weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving and lots of family is coming to celebrate here at the cottage. I'll be sure to post some Thanksgiving pics at the end of the weekend.
I have also agreed to take care of my godson in Minnesota for a week while his mom and sister go on a trip. He will be 10 months old by then so we'll surely have a blast!
This weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving and lots of family is coming to celebrate here at the cottage. I'll be sure to post some Thanksgiving pics at the end of the weekend.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Big Bird
One of the best parts about living near a lake is all of the wildlife. I wish I knew birds by their call because I hear lots of different ones every day. One creature makes a really weird sounds, similar to a bullfrog but I think it might be a bird making the sounds. We've never seen the creature, only heard it. The sound resembles a very loud, creaky door. Any ideas? I heard it when I saw a big, white bird fly by the other day.
Here are 2 pics of what is maybe a heron that lives near the lake and likes to sit out on the neighbor's dock:

Thursday, September 27, 2007
I Can See Clearly Now!
I drove from Michigan to my folks' condo in Illinois tonight just so I could see the season premier of Grey's Anatomy without squinting through the static on the television at the lake. It was worth it just to lie on the couch and watch much-anticipated, mindless television. Earlier today I took a test to be a substitute secretary in a neighboring school district. You see, I don't think I could handle the tortue that students put substitute teachers through but I think I could handle working in the office. I had to take a typing test. The first document I had to type was, "Should You Be a Secretary?" and the second was, "Should You Be a Social Worker?" Hmmmmmmmm...
Getting Your Hair to Grow
Okay, so I finally got to a computer with high-speed internet and was able to view the following ADORABLE video on my friend's website. Please check it out, but only if you like cute kids: Eliza, What Did You Do?
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Secret Mittens
I signed up for a Mitten Exchange on Ravelry. I provided information about my favorite colors, yarn, types of mittens I'd like, etc. The facilitator collected all of the information and then told us who would be knitting mittens for us and who we would be knitting mittens for. I have about 3 months to make them but with Christmas coming I'd better get busy!! I will be knitting mittens for Irma in the Netherlands. You can see her blog at: I hope I will be able to make something she will like.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Energy Sucker
A good friend called at 10:30pm last night and we talked FOR 3 HOURS. She had to be at work by 7am but instead of going to bed and getting some rest, she called me to dialogue for 3 hours. She finally admitted that, as an extrovert, she goes around sucking out other people's energy to use for herself. Can you believe it? When I am stressed out and have to work alot of hours, it doesn't give me more energy to talk to people. I would much rather find some peace and quiet and get some rest for the next day. We covered lots of topics in those 3 hours and it was fun to reconnect across the miles. This friend isn't a big fan of blogs, so we'll see if she posts a comment...
I finished 2 kitty cat hats to sell. I used Caron Simply Soft yarn, which is very inexpensive and wonderfully soft. The pattern can be found for free at If you're a knitter, the pattern is probably for an adult size. I cast on 60 stitches for a toddler hat and 72 stitches for a child hat. Happy knitting!
I finished 2 kitty cat hats to sell. I used Caron Simply Soft yarn, which is very inexpensive and wonderfully soft. The pattern can be found for free at If you're a knitter, the pattern is probably for an adult size. I cast on 60 stitches for a toddler hat and 72 stitches for a child hat. Happy knitting!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
A Little Work and A Little Fun
Oh geez. I had all the best intentions to go to bed early, as in before 10:30pm. However, I made the mistake of checking my email and then I really wanted to see the pictures that my Dad sent from Kentucky where they are on a volunteer assignment. Since I apparently live in a section of Michigan where it is IMPOSSIBLE to get high speed internet service, it took me a good chunk of time to download the 12 pictures but it was worth it for these 2 pics of my folks visiting a coal mine on their day off. Now I can go to bed knowing they are working hard and having fun.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
A Good Day...and It's All FREE!
Yesterday was full of little surprises. I got a free 3-month supply of one of prescriptions that I usually have to buy for $60/month. I worked only 2 hours at my job and then stopped at the library where the library director gave me a big box of free yarn. While it was all acrylic yarn, that I don't usually use, it will be perfect for the appetizers and other fake food that I want to knit for my nieces. A couple of skeins are even in a weird lunchmeat color!
When I got home, I found an AMAZING birthday package from my friend, Christy. If you know her and want to read a funny store, check out Kristin's Blog. Christy sent a full box of treats from Prairie Harvest in Newton, KS. I think it was as fun for her to shop as it was for me to get the presents.
I spent the afternoon knitting like crazy. I have been selling lots of my things at Grace's Place in Paw Paw, MI and I need to build up my inventory. I took some new things over there yesterday, including this felted puppet made from Lopi yarn:
When I got home, I found an AMAZING birthday package from my friend, Christy. If you know her and want to read a funny store, check out Kristin's Blog. Christy sent a full box of treats from Prairie Harvest in Newton, KS. I think it was as fun for her to shop as it was for me to get the presents.
I spent the afternoon knitting like crazy. I have been selling lots of my things at Grace's Place in Paw Paw, MI and I need to build up my inventory. I took some new things over there yesterday, including this felted puppet made from Lopi yarn:
Monday, September 17, 2007
The Best Sandwich Ever
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The Party and the Tricky Kid
I visited my family in Illinois last weekend. We had a farewell party for a friend of the family who we've know for over 20 years who is moving out East. 
I stayed with my folks on Saturday night, as did my 2 nieces. When Cheyanne was getting ready for church on Sunday morning she proudly showed me her new "high heel flip flops" and asked if she could wear them to church. I told her, "Sure! I don't see why not." Well, turns out she had been instructed by both parents that she is only to wear them for dress-up around the house and NOT to clomp around at church in them. She's a sneaky one! What do you think? Are they church shoes?
I stayed with my folks on Saturday night, as did my 2 nieces. When Cheyanne was getting ready for church on Sunday morning she proudly showed me her new "high heel flip flops" and asked if she could wear them to church. I told her, "Sure! I don't see why not." Well, turns out she had been instructed by both parents that she is only to wear them for dress-up around the house and NOT to clomp around at church in them. She's a sneaky one! What do you think? Are they church shoes?
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Is it Working?
Could some of you click on the My Projects at Ravelry link in the sidebar to the left and tell me if it is working. Does it send you to a page with pictures of things I have made? Can you click on them for more info? Thanks for helping me figure out if it is working.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Feeding My Addiction
OH NO! For those of you who know how much I love to: knit, talk about knitting, listen to people talk about knitting, watch knitting on T.V., etc., you will not be surprised to learn that I am obsessed with a brand new site called Ravelry. It is still in beta testing and I have been on the waiting list for months...until today. I was surprised to receive my invitation to register on the site and now I get to play! I can upload pictures and details about all my projects, past and present. I can search for other people who have used the same patterns and see pictures and posts about their finished products. I can upload info about all of the knitting books that I have and about my stash (that is, all of the yarn that I am presently hoarding). If you're not a knitter, you will probably not understand the joy that this brings me. If you are a knitter, you MUST check it out and sign up on the waiting list. It is SO COOL! Once you are signed up, you can search for Auntiebonita and see all of my projects and the embarrassing size of my stash (which I have yet to upload).
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
The Last Warm Days of Summer
My youngest niece came to spend a couple of days with me before the rest of the family came for the Labor Day weekend. As you can see, I took her out in the kayak -- we call it the "otter boat." The nights were cool and she was able to wear the new poncho that I made for her. 
Monday, August 27, 2007
Light in the Darkness
I particularly enjoy taking the kayak out late in the day...right before the sun sets over the lake. Getting caught up in the rhythm and swish of the paddles in the water is a great way to unwind at the end of the day.
Last week the darkness wasn't quite as relaxing. A storm rolled in, uprooting trees and downing power lines. I was very grateful not to be out on the lake at the time. I was without electricity for nearly 48 hours, which also meant the pump for the well water didn't work. I was able to knit by the light of a kerosene lamp...very Little House on the Prairie.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Freedom on the Water
Here is our newest purchase for the cottage...a kayak!
It was driving me crazy to see the lake from the cottage window and not be able to go out on it unless someone else was here to go in the canoe or paddleboat with me. Now I can go out on the water whenever I want. The irony is that while we've been waiting all summer for it to rain, it finally started raining the day we bought the kayak and it pretty much hasn't stopped since.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
From Dirty Fleece to Gorgeous Yarn
My mom and I went to the Michigan Fiber Festival today. What fun! Imagine rows and rows of colorful yarn, raw fleece (dirty, smelly wool straight from the sheep), hand-dyed roving (to spin into yarn), and beautiful books with more projects than any one person could ever accomplish. We fondled fiber from sheep, alpacas, llamas, and angora rabbits. I'll upload more pics later, but with dial-up it is SO SLOW!!!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
A Different Kind of Burger
Barbeque season isn't over yet. In fact, it is getting better with the occasional cooler in Michigan anyway. Tonight I made Sate' Burgers for my folks who were here for the day. Try them...they are YUMMY! Check back on Sunday for a report on our trip to the Michigan Fiber Festival this weekend. I can't wait!!
Sate' Burger
1/4 C finely chopped unsalted dry-roasted peanuts
1/3 C finely chopped onion
1 1/2 TBSP brown sugar
2 TBSP lime juice
1/4 C ground flax
1 1/2 TBSP fish sauce
1 1/2 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp Tobasco sauce
4 cloves garlic, minced
3/4 lb. ground pork
3/4 lb. ground turkey breast
Combine all ingredients, except meat. Mix in meat with your hands. (Squishy, squishy!) Form into patties and cook on the grill. With a fresh tomato slice and some garlic-herb cheese...yum!
Sate' Burger
1/4 C finely chopped unsalted dry-roasted peanuts
1/3 C finely chopped onion
1 1/2 TBSP brown sugar
2 TBSP lime juice
1/4 C ground flax
1 1/2 TBSP fish sauce
1 1/2 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp Tobasco sauce
4 cloves garlic, minced
3/4 lb. ground pork
3/4 lb. ground turkey breast
Combine all ingredients, except meat. Mix in meat with your hands. (Squishy, squishy!) Form into patties and cook on the grill. With a fresh tomato slice and some garlic-herb cheese...yum!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Wool and Water
I finished a pair of felted wool mittens using some yarn that I bought at Marr Haven Farm, not far from the cottage. I used the mitten pattern from Felted Knits by Beverly Galeskas and a non-felted cuff from Knit One, Felt Too by Kathleen Taylor. I don't know why I didn't just knit the mitten pattern that went with the cuff, but I didn't. I am very happy with the finished product, although I had to send them through about 5 wash cycles before they felted down to the right size.
Last week I met up with a Minnesota knitting friend in Chicago. It was great fun to check out a yarn shop downtown and to just catch up with her. Hopefully she'll forgive me for sending her on a bit of a Metra train all turned out okay in the end. Last night I hung out with my nieces and they took me to their local sprinkler park. Every town needs one of these!
I also helped my mom with a quilt she is making for my youngest niece. It is adorable, but I decided that I'd better stick with knitting.
Friday, August 10, 2007
The Flash Girls and the Little Guy
I had lots of company last weekend. My brother, sister-in-law, 2 nieces, my cousin, his wife and their 2 kids, my sister-in-law's mother and sister and niece, and my parents (just during the day). We had great fun!! The girls played with flashlights the first night and started calling themselves the Flash Girls.

Even when the fun turned from flashlights to frogs, they still insisted they were the Flash Girls. My cousin's little boy was allowed to play along a few times.
Even when the fun turned from flashlights to frogs, they still insisted they were the Flash Girls. My cousin's little boy was allowed to play along a few times.
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