Saturday, October 25, 2008

Last week I started full-time at the school district. It is actually 2 different part-time jobs, but they agreed that makes me full-time! I also found out that my brother, sister-in-law and my beloved nieces are moving to Kansas. So, now I have less time off and have to travel 5 times the distance to see them. I am glad that my brother has a job but I am very sad that my nieces will be so far away. Here we are on Canadian Thanksgiving weekend.

This One Needs a Home

The other day when I was raking leaves I was approached by this sweet little tabby cat. He/she was meowing and meowing pitifully so I stuck some leftover ham in my food processor for him and he gobbled it up. He's been around ever since and I can't keep him. Although I've always lived with cats, I know I am allergic and really don't want cat hair around here. Can anyone take a cat?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Circus Was in Town

Wow! Kristin guessed the mystery picture right away! It is the top of a circus tent. We got to watch the elephant raise the circus tent this summer. I'll try to post a few more pics later.

Sarah is Creepy

I was cleaning up the vegetable garden beds yesterday and turned up a salamander. It freaked me out when she skittered out from the dirt and I ran and grabbed the pet box to put her in. I bought some wax worms at the pet store. I hope she lives until Friday so my nieces can see her and then set her free.

I named her Sarah, after Sarah Palin, because I find them both to be quite creepy. The human Sarah winks and says things like, "C'mon now, Joe." This is as she is in the middle of a debate and hoping to be the next VP. The Sarah in my box has beady little eyes and slithers around. Ugh. I'm trying to find at least one nice thing to say about each of them.

Looks Like Paper Folding

I found this strange and beautiful flower in the garden. I think it was part of a wildflower mix that my Mom planted in the spring. For some reason I think it is called a "paper flower." Does anyone know?

Buyers Beware

We all went to the Michiana Relief Sale last weekend. I was disappointed that they didn't have verenike, which is just about the best reason to go to the sale in KS. I did find some peppernuts, though. The girls enjoyed the Children's Auction where they had their own number and could bid all by themselves for the things they wanted. It took lots of guts to raise that number high and they both went home with some new toys with all the proceeds going to MCC.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Mystery Pictures

Here is another mystery picture. I'm thinking this one might be a bit tricky. If nobody guesses it, I have 2 other photos that I can add as clues...