Last week I spent some time with my family in Illinois. My nieces learned to play Guess Who, and they loved it so much that we must have play 20 games or more. If you're not familiar with it, here is a pic.
Spring is FINALLLY here! We've shoved the snowblower to the back of the garage and I certainly don't expect to need it anymore. Since the lake is finally thawed out, I've seen so many water birds in the past 2 days. Yesterday I saw a pair of ducks and a pair of little birds that my mom thought might be loons. Then I saw a pair of Canada geese. Then, this morning, I saw 2 swans enjoying a swim. I guess that's what happens on the lake in the spring.
Early this morning I actually felt rumblings from an earthquake that was centered somewhere in Illinois. I was fast asleep when my bed started to shake enough that it woke me up. In my sleepy state I just figured it was really windy outside but after seeing the news about the quake, I think that must have been what woke me. WEIRD!
Wow! An earthquake is not something you expect to experience in Michigan! I'm glad it was a minor one.
Enjoy those the spring visitors.
an earthquake?
can't wait to tell the kids.
oh, and i am glad you are okay. : )
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