Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Good Day...and It's All FREE!

Yesterday was full of little surprises. I got a free 3-month supply of one of prescriptions that I usually have to buy for $60/month. I worked only 2 hours at my job and then stopped at the library where the library director gave me a big box of free yarn. While it was all acrylic yarn, that I don't usually use, it will be perfect for the appetizers and other fake food that I want to knit for my nieces. A couple of skeins are even in a weird lunchmeat color!

When I got home, I found an AMAZING birthday package from my friend, Christy. If you know her and want to read a funny store, check out Kristin's Blog. Christy sent a full box of treats from Prairie Harvest in Newton, KS. I think it was as fun for her to shop as it was for me to get the presents.

I spent the afternoon knitting like crazy. I have been selling lots of my things at Grace's Place in Paw Paw, MI and I need to build up my inventory. I took some new things over there yesterday, including this felted puppet made from Lopi yarn:

1 comment:

kristin said...

oh, what a wonderful day...and how wonderful that you could see it as such!