Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Still catching up

I've discovered podcasts. I actually discovered them last fall and I'm still thrilled about it! Right now I am catching up on old episodes of Cast On by Brenda Dayne. I'm at about episode 17 or 18 now. Just like with the Grey's Anatomy DVD's I watched straight through, I'm worried I will suffer withdrawal when I get through all of the Cast On podcasts. It is a bit strange to knit one thing while listening to someone talk about knitting something else but she plays great music and talks about her life in Wales. I wonder if I could do a podcast...except I'm not much of a talker.


kristin said...

what a treat to have a peek in to your from kansas...

kristin said...

from micah:

the drawing is kind of good...good except that i don't think she really looks like that...does she look like that?

hee hee hee