Sunday, June 24, 2007

Everything is Fabulous

I have a friend here who teases me about my overuse of the word "fabulous." If someone knits something I like, it's "fabulous." If someone has a great idea...fabulous! So, before I shut down my computer today for my move, here is a list of the FABULOUS things about living around here that I don't want to forget:

The squeekiness of fresh cheese curds
Blizzards in March
Barges on the Mississippi River
Leinenkugel Berry Weiss
Sun Dogs
Picking blueberries at Rush River Produce
A 1-yr old Cheyanne at the top of the stairs calling for "Abita"
Walking to school in rain, sun, snow, ice
Braschler's donuts on Saturday morning with the family
Knitting with the Knit Wits every Sunday
Tubing on the Cannon River
Ziggy, the talking cockatoo, saying "hello" when we walk to school
Listening to Patchouli and the Back Porch Band at the coffeeshop
Riding the train along the very edge of the Mississippi
The kids hanging on my legs when I'm trying to go downstairs
Ember saying, "I want to kiss you and hug you."


Bug's mom said...

What a FABULOUS list! I, too, have noticed that you use that word a lot...however, I'm much to nice to have evern said anything about it. :)

kristin said...

i always have thought of you when i hear the word are that, bo!