Saturday, June 30, 2007

It's a Good Day

There is a song by Natives of the New Dawn called "Good Day." Listen to it at Today was a good day. I bought local honey at a farmer's market in Decatur, MI. From there I found an amazing coffeeshop in Lawrence, MI. Keep in mind that Lawrence has a population of about one thousand people. Imagine my surprise when I heard music and wandered into the Red Brick Coffee Shop where I had a yummy blended skim iced mocha. Even better, it has a cozy seating area that would be perfect for a knitting group. I'm going to ask if I can post a sign looking for interested knitters! Next door was The Seeded Earth where I hope to sell some knitted things, and in the basement I found beautiful tie-dye and some funky used clothing at cheap prices! I also checked out the Reits Flea Market where I bought a couple of little things I didn't know I needed, including a $3 metal display rack in case I want to sell my knitting at a market or, I don't know, Bethel College Fall Fest.

I finished off the day by taking a 2 mile walk and finishing my hiking socks. I found the pattern in One-Skein Wonders and used Phildar Auteuil yarn. For you knitters out there, they are done in a broken garter stitch (K3P3 and do the opposite the next time around).


kristin said...

okay...very good day, i would idea of heaven...except that i need to learn to knit better...

Unknown said...

Hi Bo, Glad you're having fun exploring! We are here knitting as usual, but miss you!!! Sounds like you don't miss the Knitwits one bit ;) Have a Great Day!