Friday, November 2, 2007

Love and Loss on the Prairie

The scarecrow sighed. "Of course I cannot understand it," he said. "If your heads were stuffed with straw like mine you would probably all live in beautiful places, and then Kansas would have no people at all. It is fortunate for Kansas that you have brains."

- L. Frank Baum

I just got home from my Kansas vacation. Have you noticed that people don't usually vacation in Kansas? They drive through it or around it, or they've heard of it but haven't spent any time there. I won't bother to explain the beauty there. You have to experience the sky, the open spaces, the people, for yourself. I just returned from my trip to Newton, KS where I saw many old friends and met some new ones. It was simply wonderful to be around people I've known for so long. I let my friend Christy take care of me while I was there. What a gift!

We had a Happy Adoption Party on Saturday for the little boy I used to have in foster care. He will turn 11 years old in January. His new mom is amazing! She has high expectations for him and he is rising to meet them. He can walk, albeit unsteady, while holding onto one of her hands. His therapist says he may be able to walk unassisted within 6 months. Unbelievable!! I wish I could post a photo, but since the adoption isn't finalized I will have to wait.

While we were there a very dear friend, Larry Voth, died. He's been very sick for almost 7 years and was really suffering, so I'm grateful his suffering is over. What an honor to be included as part of the family for his last hours and in the planning of the memorial service. Larry was the pastor at Community Mennonite Church in Markham, IL when I was a child and their family has remained an important part of our lives. They moved to KS in 1973 and he became the Director of Development at Bethel College and successfully recruited me to attend college there, which shaped the course of my life.

Now I'm home in Michigan again and will be going to Cadillac, MI for a training next week. Life goes on.


Anonymous said...

So that's why I'm in Kansas - I have a brain?? Although I miss the northern Indiana forests and lakes, I've learned to love the beauty of Kansas.
It was great to see you during your visit!

kristin said...

what? i haven't commented? only in my heart and soul?

oh, it was so incredible to see you. so wonderful to laugh and just hang.

i miss you.